The Reform Congregation of Kalamazoo

Temple B'nai Israel
At Temple B’nai Israel we strive to live our Reform Jewish Values each and every day. We celebrate our members, who are diverse in backgrounds and experiences. We welcome all those who are interested in exploring Judaism: those raised Jewish, those with Jewish family members, those who have chosen Judaism, and those who are interested in Judaism.
We aspire to welcome each individual as you are, with all of our many intersecting identities: LGBTQ+, POC, people with disabilities, young and young at heart, interfaith, and seekers alike.
We hold dear the teaching from Pirke Avot (Ethics of the Fathers) 2:21 “You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to desist from it.” We hope you will join us in the work of building a sacred community here in Kalamazoo.
Mailing address:
Temple B’nai Israel
PO Box 19666
Kalamazoo MI 49019
Phone: (269) 342-9170