The Reform Congregation of Kalamazoo
We appreciate your interest in becoming a member of Temple B’nai Israel, Kalamazoo’s Reform congregation since 1866.​
Membership in our temple community gives you access to weekly worship, celebrations of Jewish holidays, rabbinical support for lifecycle events, our growing religious school, and adult education.​
We’re working all the time to bring new and exciting programs to build Jewish culture in Kalamazoo and welcome any and all ideas! JOIN US!​
We invite you to attend the Friday night service and other temple events to get to know our family before making your decision.​
​Our administrator is always on hand and happy to answer any of your questions! Please contact us at info@templebnaiisrael.com
The first step is to complete the online membership inquiry form by clicking here:
Once the form is completed you will be contacted by a Temple representative.


"As someone who moved away from family and community for professional reasons, Temple B’nai Israel has become my Jewish community. TBI provides opportunities in every season for my family to connect with Jewish traditions and to introduce my children to their cultural and religious birthright. TBI is our chosen Jewish family in Kalamazoo."
- Brian Horvitz, Member since 2015

"TBI is not just where I go to practice my faith, it is where I find community, caring, and love. It is a second home that nurtures me and allows me to raise my family with hope and peace and to live our values of tikkun olam, repair the world."
- Randy Lubratich, Member Since 2010

"My journey with Temple B'nai Israel began with taking the Introduction to Judaism course in January 2017. I knew virtually nothing about Jewish practices or beliefs but felt welcome to attend services and events to learn more and was connected with people who understood my interests and served as mentors. I completed my conversion process with Rabbi Matt and Rabbi Schicker in 2019, just before the birth of my daughter Alycia who will start religious school in 2023. We love being part of this diverse community and building our Jewish family traditions as she grows."
- Terra Eash, Member Since 2017