The Reform Congregation of Kalamazoo
Providing A Helping Hand
At Temple B'nai Israel, we believe that Tikkun Olam, repairing the world, is essential to the improvement of our community. We provide congregants with a wide range of opportunities to give back to the community and encourage their active participation.

Bringing Members Together
The heart of any community are the individuals who infuse their time and energy and love into making a home for all.
Nothing could better describe the people of the Members Connection Committee, who are always working to bring a little extra something to all our lives.
From inviting new members to brunch and all members to barbeques; from Purim Parties and Hamentashen Bakeoffs to High Holy Days Observance, Member Connections is always working to bring new and inviting occasions for all of our members!
We invite you to be a part of it all! We're always ready for new ideas, people, and the energy of doing things together.

Tikkun Olam - Creating a Better World
At Temple B'nai Israel, we strive to create a community in which the ideals and principles of Judaism are the driving force behind our everyday lives. We’ve worked tirelessly towards transforming how people experience the notion of Jewish life.
Tikkun olam is a Hebrew phrase that means “repairing the world” (or “healing the world”) which suggests humanity’s shared responsibility to heal, repair, and transform the world.
At Temple B’nai Israel we work together and with the community as a whole to bring our words to action - taking on social issues of the day, helping our neighbors in need, and working to bring peace.
All are welcome to join us in these efforts.

Past and Present

High Holy Day Food Drive
Benefitting Loaves & Fishes Kalamazoo
Every year we join the Congregation of Moses in collecting food items and monetary donations for Loaves & Fishes.
If you donate online please place "TBI food drive" in the Comments box before hitting submit.
Refugee Family Support
Ongoing with our partners: People's Church, Congregation of Moses and Prince of Peace Lutheran in Portage.
We have volunteers teaching English, giving rides, donating furniture/clothing/toys, helping with shopping and anything else our new neighbors need. ​
We also have a monetary fund to help with expenses. Such as the cost of driving lessons. All donations are held until receipts are submitted through proper channels. Please mark your donation for the "Refugee Fund."